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Iconomatic 2.0 A Complete IOS Theme Engine. Cleanly organize your themes and sub themes with iconomatic which includes a user interface that is beautifully developed specifically for your device. Iconomatic also includes a Fonts Manager, and powerful User Preferences to enable a whole new realm of themeing capabilities. Iconomatic themes virtually everything from Icons to UI, Sounds, Fonts and much more. Compatible with most of your popular tweaks available, Iconomatic will provide and user experience like no other Engine can provide. The all new APP is growing and will become a great place to not only view and apply themes but completely control your devices appearance. Enjoy Iconomatic 2.0 BETA and be part of the growing movement!!
Beta (0.8) version 2.4-1
Once again spent some signifigant time inside the (Theme Selection) area as some users we still reporting crashes and themes not selecting properly. This has been addressed but admittidley think there still might be some issues mainly directed at themes without (info.plist) -PackageName but should be much better in regards.
Theme Previews have been changed dramatically, and will continue to do so. I would like input from user on what they would want to see, as most everything will provide live updates I have just added the ability to few all icons within the theme. This needs much love but just the beginnning and will be working more in future updates.
Ive made most (effects) more dynamic such as shadows, overlays, folders ect. They should be more unified through more devices without the need to grab specific device frames. It should even scale a overlay to the size if its masks but must be carfeul with this because if masks and overlays are not properly sized it will result in ugly image but most themes I tried looked great. 
I have on my end everything auto updating but a few items. Clock/Calendar icons and mini folder icons are those that need to be adressed. Dock Is now imediate update and rest change while scrolling still but will be imediate in future updates.
ive adressed many variations of this icons and its info and it seems to be working for my device and themes ive tested with. Will continue on this if its needs more work for other themes.
B004 - Continues
B014 - Addressed Calendar , Buuf can be moved to Buuf UIRelated Issues - (B017)
B016 - Addressed Dock pixel Should be fixed 
B018 - continues - (low level priority)
B019 - Will add option to apply overlay to folders (not all themes use this option) upcoming update
B020 - I have addressed the calendar .plist and it seems to be working for the themes ive tested with
B022 - Ive personally never experienced this issue with any of my devices but have addressed some issues of concern in this area.
B023 - same as B014 and B020 and should be fixed
B024 - fixed for some users others still experinced - continues
B025 - FolderGridImageAlpha wont work because ive have added that feature yet (or named folders) but soon upcoming updates 
B026 - Addressed Cal.Plist info only being read at top theme level. (should be fixed) - awaiting feedback
B027 - B030 unresolved - unable to address in this update that all  continue
Beta (0.8.1)
Same and 0.8 with fixed (Theme Selection view) for 13.4+ Users and possible any others previously having issues.
Ive also updated a few sounds such as charging and messagerecieved
Beta (0.8.2) version 2.4.2-1
Fixed UISounds from not playing when no UISound theme selected. This also fixes current haptic touch on lockscreen and notification sounds. Most sounds should work excluding message sent, camera shutter.
Added Dock Icon Reflections. This is NOT image dependent and is user adjusted through settings. MoreDockOptions Turn on DockReflections and adjust opacity and height levels.
Fixed Stretching of dock. I havnt tested other than iphone 11 but should be universal. 
Added Option to use Stock Dock
Masked Folder Icons and added Overlay (mini foldericon alpha coming next)
Added option to use StockIcon (other folder options coming next, see in MoreFolderOptions)
Added UISlider Thumb Image Support
beta 0.8.1 Bug Report ended with 0.8 at B026
B027: (Screenshot Delay) ~ Unaddressed - Continues
B028: (Tweak Icons in Settings) ~ Unaddressed - Continues
B029: (Sounds) ~ Fixed - excluding camera shutter and message sent
B030: (Docks Sized Preoperly) ~ Fixed
B031: (Notification Sound) ~ Fixed
Beta (0.8.3) version 2.4.2-4
Cleaned _DSStore fix crash?
Beta (0.8.4) version 2.4.3-1
Fixed Crash from 0.8.2 - 0.8.3 (if dock was missing in theme it would cause  crash)
~my appologies~ 
Beta (0.9) version 2.4.4-1
Spending time researching better approaches with certain aspects such as StatusBarItems and ControlCenter Prysym suport, fine tuning and cleaning up code. I have added ability to theme ALL clock hands , use Alpha for mini grid icons for folders and adding some more user preferences. Saving some of the bigger updates for version 2.5 to allow me more time to test. 
ALL New Fonts Manager ~ It is used the same manor as before but aiming for in the next few updates to allow users to choose any of the PReInstalled system fonts.
B025: Resolved - added support for FolderGridIConAlpha
B027: (Screenshot Delay) ~ Unaddressed - Continues
B028: (Tweak Icons in Settings) ~ Unaddressed - Continues
Beta (0.9.1) version 2.4.5-1 
No bugs addressed~ added PhoneUI/PasscodeUI feature. 
0.png-11.png buttons for phone
0.png - 8.png for Passcode
75x75px Canvas = 225x225Px @3x image
Info.plist ~ Attributes ~ Key (LCDTextColor) Key (PasscodeTextFieldColor)
Beta (0.9.2) version 2.4.6-1
Complete new way of themeing icons and masking images, loading UI.. More effecient, faster, cleaner images in this update with lots of fixes from issues previous verions some users were experencing. Updated Dialer for any sized, shape images, Chat bubles will be themeable through .plist , backgrounds for messenger, switcher icons and much more with this version
B004 - Bluetooth Media crash. ~ Fixed
B015 - Buuf UI crash~ addressed fixed on developers end
B024 -AirPlay Crash ~ Fixed
B027 - Screenshot Delay ~ Fixed
B035 - Multitasking - AppSwitcher Crash ~ Fixed
Beta (0.9.3) version 2.4.8-1
B036 - Themes without mask or overlays will now not be square 
B037 - Fixed Pressed Icon Mask
B038 - Fixed Open Folder To properly apply and added switch to hide mini icons and slider foropen folder corner radius
B040 - SwitcherIcons and mini folder icons now mask and overlay applied properly ( notifications still not themeing properly)
B044- Fixed all overlays ...these are now layered at runtime and will never be missing - also added Underlay options
B047 - Fixed status bar items barttery fill, and updating bars
Public Bug Report
B002 -Fixed Overlays - check B044 of private for more info
B003-Fixed Dock Reflections and gave more options with live updates 
B006- Massive performance update for any that were recieveing some
Upgrades include fixed chat bubles for using themes .plist for gradient colors, new status bar items , live updates with dock reflections , new options for docks and folders, live updates icons, app added to homescreen can be used to switch themes - settings still need to be imported. FOLDERS might have issue on this build and im currently pushing to fix that asap!
Beta (0.9.4) Version 2.4.8-27
This Update was mainly focused on a few crashes that occured from last update. There were 3 that we found randomly from some devices. 1 Being a .plist issue for the new badge text, 2-3 was a icon cache and cahe purge issue seemingly from unc0vers new JB.  
Ive also updated the status bars and a few other things but this is a mid/stop update for quick fixes for users expereinces crashes. Thank you for your patience and i appreciate the suport! 
- 2.4.8 -29 quick update fix for missing bundles . 
Beta Version 2.4.9-1
Fixed some crashing issues when selecting themes, installing apps and ALL (in app) crashesd that were occuring due to UI elements. Updates Application which now can be used entirley to change themes and select fonts. 

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